More and more, we're seeing families come to us with urgent needs on their minds. From trouble adjusting to new environments to fear and anxiety, kids ministry is a completely different ballgame than it was even just 4 years ago.
Our kids ministry team does an amazing job being abundant and creative in how we love each of these kids, but helping kids feel welcome and connected in the church is a whole-church mission.

Kids Ministry volunteers are like balloon strings. Sometimes they are the only way our kids are tied (connected) to the church. The love and excitement these kids feel every Sunday and Wednesday keep them coming back to hear more about the God who loves them.
But things can easily change: volunteers can move to another place of ministry or to another city. Kids graduate and move to youth and then into adults. We often see the results of when a kid’s one connection to the church is cut. Then they end up floating away.

But what if our connection to the kids we serve was more like Velcro: Instead of one or a few connections to the church, what if our kids had many tiny interactions that made them feel known and loved in our church? What if they started to think of Mt Olive not as “the church I go to” but as “my church?”
Consider being part of the Velcro that helps our kids stick to the church after graduation. Sign up to serve below: